Flower honey with sage
Flower honey with sage
Flower honey flavors contain a variety of nectar flows from herbs on our organic farm as well as flowers of the wider region during the summer season.
The pulverized herbs they contain are also known for their healing properties.
Sage: (Salvia officinalis) The name comes from the Latin verb salvare meaning "save" or "cure". The Arabs believed it could cure everything. The Latins considered it the sacred plant of immortality and used it in rituals. The French call it "Greek Tea" and use it - like other Europeans - in cooking as well as for its healing properties. The Chinese call it a "Greek kettle" and they consider it to be better than tea. It is a herb gifted with many therapeutic essences and properties, particularly useful in medicine, such as antibacterial, antiseptic, cardiotonic, spasmolytic and antidiabetic. Extremely stimulating, it fights fatigue. It is recommended against skin diseases and oral infections. Anti-hypotension.
Unsuitable for infants under 12 months
Gross packing weight: 600gr